Surrey Black Scholars PGR Wins Prestigious Role

Charterhouse is one of the UK’s top independent boarding schools. The school sought to appoint a Scholar-in-Residence for the academic year 2023/2024. The Surrey Black Scholars and Doctoral College team are delighted to announce that Rosie Ngure has been chosen for this position.

Rosie is a Creative Writing PGR, funded through the Surrey Black Scholars studentships. With this opportunity, she will help to broaden Charterhouse students’ intellectual and cultural horizons. She will work to develop a sense of scholarship and inquiry among the young people of the school.

We caught up with Rosie to congratulate her on such on an extraordinary success, and to discover what she is hoping to achieve as the Charterhouse Scholar-in-Residence in the coming year.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what you’re studying.

I am a Creative Writing PhD student. My research is on Black and African women literature, and I have a keen interest in equality, diversity, and inclusion in higher education.

What convinced you to become a postgraduate researcher?

As my master’s degree studies were coming to an end here at the University of Surrey, I realised there is lot more I wanted to know and research with regards to Black and African women writing. Thankfully, an opportunity opened up with the University of Surrey’s Surrey Black Scholars studentships and I became one of their first two scholars.

What was your first impression of the University of Surrey?

I had a bit of a hard time making the decision on where to go for my master’s. But I have never regretted coming to the University of Surrey. The support was there from day one. All the staff I have had the privilege to work with have been very professional and knowledgeable. Always ready to share their knowledge and experience. There are many opportunities for students’ development too. This is a place where students are allowed to thrive and discover who they are and who they want to become. But the most important thing is that the university is listening. I am talking of equality, diversity, and inclusion. I can see a lot of change from when I first came here two years ago and now. The University of Surrey is truly on the rise.

How do you combine your studies with your other life commitments?

I try to work eight hours a day for five days a week and leave the weekend for my family and rest. That is not always possible especially when deadlines are looming on the horizon, but it remains the goal.

What convinced you to apply for the Scholar-in-Residence position at Charterhouse?

The role couldn’t have suited me more. They were looking for somebody who could help in creative writing as well as EDI. These are both my specialism. I am also in my second year in my PhD studies. Last years was a great learning experience for my research project focused on my confirmation. Next year I will be quite busy pointing to end of my project. The role really came at the right time.

What difference do you feel you will make to the culture and activities at Charterhouse?

Black history in Britain, cultural humility and broadening of perspectives have become things of great importance to me. If I can bring these with me to Charterhouse alongside the scholarly role I will be playing in creative writing and teaching Black history, I will have achieved a great amount of what I aim to do.

How do you feel the Scholar-in-Residence position will impact your work, career, and writing?

Oh, there is so much to learn! I love being around curious minds. And they don’t come more curious than the young minds. I want to support the younger generation of scholars in their interests and abilities and what they want to do in life. But I am open for them to impact me, too. Firstly, I will need to be writing at a fast pace as I will be sharing some of my creative writing with them. Who knows? This will make me a very quick writer.

I love being around curious minds. And they don’t come more curious than the young minds.